Field Trip

Just a few friendly reminders about our field trip tomorrow.  We will leave school around 9:00 to go to Penick Park.  Please make sure your kiddo has a SACK lunch (we don’t want to have to keep up with lunch boxes) with 2 drinks.  Please write their name on their drinks and lunches.  I keep the drinks in a cooler and their lunches in a box.  We also want them in tennis shoes and comfortable clothes.  If they want to bring a towel to sit on at lunch time that is fine but they will be responsible for making sure it gets back on the bus.  They can wear hats, sunglasses, etc… but again they will have to keep up with them.  If you are bringing your child lunch PLEASE let me know because I have to know they have lunch.  If they do not come to school with a lunch and I haven’t heard from you I will send them to the cafeteria to get a sack lunch!

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