December 5

Hey guys!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I want to catch you up on a few things then let you know what we are learning.

Candi Salter has volunteered to be room mother for our Christmas Party.  WOOHOO!!!  There is a note coming home today with your kiddo about a meeting she’d like to have with anyone wanting to help plan or make crafts,etc…  Please check you kiddos folder for that.  It also has all the details for the party.  Please contact her if you want to help but cannot attend the meeting.  We will also be doing a puzzle exchange at the party.  Please don’t spend a lot on this puzzle!!!  Make it generic (not a boy or girl puzzle) because we will be playing a game and have no idea if the puzzle you bring will end up in a boy or girls hands.

Spelling words:  which, their, said, if, do, we, can, an there, your

We are learning about those “r” controlled vowels in phonics the next two weeks.

Math:  We are learning how to collect data and graph the data we collect while still focusing on combinations of numbers, addition and subtraction.

Writing:  We are still working on the beginning, middle and end of stories.

Science/Social Studies:  We are learning how certain traditions got started and how other countries celebrate Christmas.


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