March 21

I have heard some amazing stories of everyone’s Spring Break!  Wish I could sit and talk to them all day.  This is the time of year that I start asking for some crazy things to be sent to our classroom.  We start a lot of Science activities and projects that require “a little help from our friends.”  Please start saving plastic bottles of any kind, toilet paper and paper towel rolls, aluminum cans, etc…  On top of Science fun our kiddos will become inventors in May!!!

Our class is trying to earn Lava Lamps and we are one letter away from doing so! (ask your sweetie what that means)  For this Science project I will need 24 clear plastic bottles (16 oz works the best).  If you can please send as many as you can that would be great!

The Easter Party is this Thursday at 11:30.  I need as many parents as I can get to come and help set the room up and help the Easter Bunny hide eggs in the field by the bus barn at 10:45.  Please send a note or contact me letting me know if you can help.  We will hunt eggs, have fun with a few relay races with the other First Grade classes, then head to our rooms for some drinks and snacks.

Spelling words:  made, did, over, down, only, way, find, use, may, water

Phonic:  We are doing a lot of review and learning about homophones and similes.  We will really start focusing on writing for the rest of the year with ongoing review of all phonics skills.  We really need to work on beginning, middle, and end of stories.  Starting each sentence with a capital letter and using punctuation.  Most are staying on one topic but just not giving enough detail.

Math:  Continue working on word problems, addition, subtraction, time, and money.  Skip counting by 2’s is really messing with some of them!  Focus for the next few weeks is skip counting and patterns in numbers.

I am loving each and every one of these sweet kiddos!  They bring light into my day.  Thank you so much for sharing them with me!!!

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