Lots of info

Hey all!  I hope y’all are enjoying this beautiful day.  First, let me apologize for forgetting to send pictures home on Thursday!!!  They will be sent home Monday.  Report cards go out this Thursday.  Can you believe its already been 9 weeks???  This week is also Red Ribbon Week so I’ll break down what to wear each day:

Monday- Wear Red

Tuesday- Wear your favorite jersey

Wednesday- PJ’s

Thursday- Crazy socks

Friday- Roughneck day

I will send a reminder home for the Student Led conferences on October 30th with your time on it this week.  The kiddos can dress up on Halloween day as their favorite book character.  Remember this is a half day for the kiddos and we ask no visitors for lunch that day due to seating for K-5 students.  WHEW!!!  You will notice a new addition in your sweeties Reading Adventure this week.  I am adding a fluency piece that should be pretty quick and painless for all involved!  After your Firstie reads to you, please have them read the fluency phrase while you time them and write their time on the sheet. They will read the same passage all week.  They should improve their time each day and build their confidence in their reading ability.  Don’t worry about where it says wpm.  We will fill that in at Guided Reading so we can set a new personal goal.

Spelling/Phonics:  We will have a spelling test Tuesday on the words: be, this, from, I , have, or, by, one, had, not  Please continue reviewing ALL spelling words as each test goes back and reviews old words too.  We have learned vowels, blends, digraphs and this week we will work on ABC Order.  The week of Halloween we will focus on vowel teams.

Math:  We will continue working on adding sets, numerical order, greater than less than, and counting and identifying numbers to 120.  We will add in 2 dimensional shapes.

Writing:  We have had a great time creating a haunted house and writing about it.  We are also working on a spooky story in class.  The kids should be, at this point, beginning their stories with a capital letter, using finger spaces, and starting to understand what actually makes a story.  They should be using their word wall to make sure they are spelling their word wall words correctly.

Science/Social Studies:  We will wrap up our study on nocturnal animals next week with a very fun activity and we will also be doing some fun Halloween activities.

I want to make sure you all know how much it means to me to have your support with your sweeties.  I am loving each and every one of my Firsties uniqueness!!!!!!



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