Hey guys hope everyone is starting to feel better after all of this illness going around! I’ve got tons of things to walk you through and remind you of so… Tomorrow, February 27th is an early release day at 11:30 for teacher training. Please let me know if your sweetie will be getting home a different way. Don’t forget our Frog and Toad performance on March 7th @ 9:00 in the cafeteria. Dark jeans, leggings or pants and tennis shoes for this day please! They have cute little costumes to put over what they wear. Valentine’s Day Party was super cute and once again I was spoiled by you and my “sweet Valentine’s”. Thank you Melanie for taking that on!!!
Spelling: like, him, see, time,could, no, make, than, first, been We will have a spelling test next Tuesday on these words. Again, please have fun practicing these words with them. Shaving cream, sand and stick, writing on their backs to see if they can figure out what word you/they are spelling.
Writing: We are working on our class story about the Toothfairy. They are loving it! Please keep talking to your kiddos about the entire story they want to tell. Details, characters, settings, First, Next, Then, After That and Finally. Punctuation should really be showing up in their work as well as those adjectives and verbs.
Phonics: We have worked on Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs. They should be able to tell the difference between them and know what they mean. This week we are working on plurals. How do you know when to use “s” or “es” and what does a plural mean. We continue to review all of the skills taught this year and will begin review in stations soon. Vowels continue to get them so saying a word and asking them what vowel and is it long or short is great practice for them.
Math: We will continue working on addition, subtraction, problem solving, and strategies. We are working on combinations of different numbers. (mainly 10, we need those to be automatic) I give them a “magic number” and they have to give me as many combinations to that number as they can. Money and counting money will come next. Please help your kiddo identify coins, know their value, and count sets of coins.
Science/Social Studies: We have learned about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and American Symbols. Your kiddos got to do a fun project on symbols that is hanging in our hallway. This week we are learning about dental health. We also have some fun stuff going on in our research area! Mealworms, Pennies, and insects OH MY!!! We will be adding several things to our research area over the next few weeks. Ask your kiddos what’s going on over there!
Thank you for ALL the support you are/have given this year. I can’t believe it’s already almost March???