I sent a note home today with a few little notes to help our day go smoothly tomorrow. I made mention that the zoo is not allowing outside food for parents. Today Kindergarten went and said that they had no issue with parents bringing lunches in backpacks. I will leave that up to your discretion!!! Kindergarten also had some trouble with parents getting through the gates because there were so many schools there. I’m not sure how many schools will be there tomorrow but it took some parents over an hour to get through. You may want to leave ahead of us to get your ticket or order your ticket online if you plan on going with your Firstie. The admission is free for your child so no need to send money, but if you would like for your kiddo to feed the birds ($1.00) or feed the ducks ($.50) you may want to send them with a little. Please do not feel obligated as I want this to be a stress free, fun trip! Please feel free to text or email me with any questions. I can’t wait to spend a fun day with these kiddos!!!!