Our Little Inventors

Hey guys just a little reminder that we will begin using our imaginations tomorrow and becoming inventors.  The kids are really getting into this and this is a great way to keep them engaged to the end of school.  Today they drew their intentional plans (which we all know could change) and wrote what they thought they might need for supplies.  I have a lot of the materials they will need but we are still needing a few things that you may have just laying around the house.

Tape all kinds of tape, plastic trash bags that can be cut (for kites), wrapping paper, bottle lids, balloons, wooden dowel rods (like what you make kabobs with), and any little things your kiddos are saying.

I am still in need of some vegetable oil and alka-seltzer of aspirin for lava lamps.

I appreciate each and everyone of you for EVERYTHING you have done and are willing to do!


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