End of First Grade Fun

Hey guys!  I can’t believe I’m making this post but here goes.  We have 3 weeks of school left and it is all about some fun. I try to keep our kiddos engaged and learning at this time of year so we shake things up a bit.  We will become inventors and explorers over the next few weeks.  I am going to ask for a few things from you, if possible.  We will be in need of many things for the kids to be able to get creative and invent things.  We will also be making lava lamps and learning about density.

Things needed:  empty water bottles, big rubber bands, large containers of cheap vegetable oil, tape, alka-seltzer, balloons, string, shoe boxes, empty vegetable cans, and anything your kiddo comes home and says “I need this for my project”.  I will try to supply as much as I can but there may be things that I just don’t have that they need.

Do I have a parent that would be willing to drill holes in some vegetable cans so the kids can make “phones”?  If so, please text or e-mail me.

Lets finish this year strong and with some FUN!!!!

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