Welcome back from a long weekend!!!! I have several updates and upcoming events. I’ll try to cover it all quickly and get to the learning part of our days. Early release tomorrow at 11:30 for PLC training for teachers, 100th day of school on Tuesday the 29th (will be needing a little help from my friends), and Valentine’s Day Party on the 14th (will also be needing a little help). If there is anyone willing to head up the Valentine’s Day Party please let me know!!!! I will do a sign up for a few fun things that I will be needing for our 100th day of school soon!!!
Spelling: We will be having a spelling test on Thursday with these words; will, each, about, how, up, out, them, then, she, many. The new spelling words for the next two weeks will be; some, so, these, would, other, into, has, more, her, two. Please remember to practice these words having fun! the more hands-on you make these words the better ingrained they are in their sweet little brains.
Phonics: We have covered sooooo much with these littles! We will continue to work on vowel teams, blends, vowel both long and short, word families, etc… We will begin nouns, adjectives, and verbs over the next few weeks.
Math: The focus over the next two weeks will be telling time (hour and half hour) and fractions. We will always continue focusing on addition, subtraction, and word problem strategies. Please work on plus 1 and minus 1 with your sweeties. We will also be touching on counting coins in the very near future so if you want a jump start:).
Writing: Our focus is on story elements (beginning, middle, end, characters, problems, solution) and punctuation. They are improving so much on their stories. I am so proud of them!!!
Science/Social Studies: One of my FAVORITE things to teach, Arctic animals and Arctic climate!!!! We will be having so much fun over the next few weeks. If anyone has extra empty shoe boxes, could you please send them for an amazing project that we will be doing at then end of this lesson. I may also ask for a few things like cotton balls, “snow”(icicles that look like snow) plastic animals from the dollar tree, etc… If your kiddo comes home saying I need “this” for my project, it is probably true.
I would love to meet with any and all of my parents over the next few weeks just to talk and update you on where your kiddo is. If you have time during the day at 1:15 or after school, please let me know and I will do my best to schedule a time to meet with you. As always, I am here if you have any questions!!!